I made one typo change, here is what I reported.


## Description:

The Apache Accumulo sorted, distributed key/value store is a robust, scalable,
high performance data storage system that features cell-based access control
and customizable server-side processing. It is based on Google's BigTable
design and is built on top of Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift.

## Issues:

The Apr report listed a discussion about a trademark issue at
http://www.accumulodata.com [1], but the link was incorrect. The owner is
actively working with Amazon to reactivate the account that managed that
domain and is awaiting a response. The site will either be shutdown or
repointed to https://accumulo.apache.org.

## Membership Data:

Apache Accumulo was founded 2012-03-20 (8 years ago) There are currently 37
committers and 37 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is

Community changes, past quarter:
- Arvind Shyamsundar was added to the PMC on 2020-04-15
- Arvind Shyamsundar was added as committer on 2020-04-16

## Project Activity:

- No new releases this quarter, although 1.10 is still in the works.
The 1.10 releases will also be our first LTS release [2].
- There was a public chat on slack on May 13 [3].
- The PMC started a discussion about renaming the Accumulo Master server [4].

## Community Health:

- Activity in the community is consistent.  There is less activity on
the user mailing lists but more on the dev mailing list [5].


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