Oh, in case you updated your local 2.1 branch after main was merged
onto it, but before I force-pushed to fix it, just reset your 2.1
branch by checking out your local 2.1 branch, doing `git remote
update` and then `git reset --hard upstream/2.1` before you do
anything else. That way, we don't get those commits added back in

On Thu, Dec 1, 2022 at 5:26 PM Christopher <ctubb...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Accumulo devs,
> I just wanted to give you a heads up about branch maintenance for the
> 2.1 branch. A few mistakes were made, and the main branch accidentally
> got merged backwards into the 2.1 maintenance branch instead of the
> other way around. In order to fix this and not have the history
> completely unintelligible, I force-pushed the 2.1 maintenance branch
> back to the commit just prior. It was just the single merge commit
> that grabbed the main branch that needed to be removed to fix things
> in the 2.1 branch. Only the 2.1 branch was affected. The main branch
> did not need to be corrected so drastically. But, after I fixed the
> 2.1 branch, I did merge it forward into the main branch as per our
> usual procedure, to complete the original task that was being
> attempted.
> tl;dr -
> If you're curious, the relevant tickets were #3082, #3101, and #3102.
> #3082 was the original ticket adding a feature to 2.1.1. #3101
> correctly reverted it from the 2.1 branch. This revert was then
> attempted to be merged into the main branch. That was done as a
> separate PR in #3102. For what it's worth, I don't recommend doing
> merges using the GitHub UI that way. GitHub assumes you're combining
> the history of both branches fully into a single resulting branch,
> instead of merely incorporating one branch into the other. This
> assumption caused several problems. The first is the presence of a
> very risky "delete" button suggesting the 2.1 branch can be deleted
> when we don't want it to be deleted. The second, and more troublesome
> problem that caused the issues we needed to fix, was that GitHub's
> conflict resolution UI will merge all of the main branch into the 2.1
> branch during conflict resolution, because it believes you're merely
> bringing the 2.1 branch up-to-date with  main in order to merge a
> feature branch into main and remove the feature branch. It assumes a
> feature branch workflow, not a maintenance branch, one-way merge,
> workflow.
> In order to avoid problems like this in future, I recommend merging
> into the main branch from the maintenance branches by using the
> command-line. `git mergetool` is your friend :)
> I hope this explanation helps others understand what happened and how
> to avoid similar issues with GitHub in future.
> Regards,
> Christopher Tubbs

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