Hi Claus,

just a quick note, the subject should be Apache ActiveMQ 5.9 release (and not Camel ;)).

Anyway, agree to move forward to 5.9.

I will review the open tickets on my side.

Regarding the points to discuss:
- I would prefer to keep kahadb by default and set leveldb as optional (even if I didn't have issues with leveldb so far)
- I think hawtio 1.2M is fine
- the documentation and release summary should be reviewed, indeed. I can help on that. I'm not sure we have a Jira about that.


On 10/02/2013 10:58 AM, Claus Ibsen wrote:

We are closing down on a new Apache ActiveMQ 5.9.0 release.

In the JIRA tracker we have 19 open tickets against this release

I just wanted to get a thread started on @dev so we could get focused
on resolving the remainder issues and get the code into shape for a
release in not so far distant.

There is possible some things to discuss/consider

- Is the new leveldb stable and good as default replacement for
kahadb. I am just asking because I got the impression that would be
the intention to have leveldb replace kahadb in the future
- Can we use hawtio 1.2M release or should we ask them to cut a 1.2 GA release
- any pending documentation missing?
- could anyone write up a summary of the new and noteworthy of this
release. At Camel we write this during development, but at AMQ it
seems like a last minute thing, and that possible let us forget some
cool stuff. Maybe we should get on the habit and do like Camel and
work on a release notes page during development
- Any other stuff ?

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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