After leaving it a week longer than I said, I have now made the below
initial cleanups.

On Mon, 18 Apr 2022 at 16:29, Robbie Gemmell <> wrote:
> There look to be various files (details below) in the NMS release area
> that should be cleaned up, being either superceded already or even
> apparently duplicate. I intend to remove the ones detailed below (and
> update the site links accordingly) in a couple of days unless
> discussion here suggests otherwise.
> I have another suggested NMS dist release area cleanup which I will
> reply to the thread with another mail for, as it as it is a little
> different than these and should be discussed first.
> The following 3 releases look like they should be removed, they arent
> marked as 'current' and so are only linked to from the archive on the
> site, only 2.0.0 ([1]) is linked to from the downloads site that these
> dirs populate:
> The following looks to be a duplicate copy of NMS.AMQP 2.0.0 that
> should be removed, with the parent dir actually being for the Openwire
> client instead, whereas the AMQP client is linked from the site via
> its expected apache-nms-amqp/2.0.0 dir [1]:
> The API release and Openwire client release in the following dir also
> seem like they can be removed and linked to the archive, as they have
> both been superceded by 1.8.0 [2][3] releases (or even 2.0.0) quite
> some time ago:
> [1]
> [2]
> [3] 
> Robbie

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