Hi Pankaj,

I still don’t see your application in the GSOC site. Please make sure you have 
done this correctly.



From: Pankaj Saha <psa...@binghamton.edu<mailto:psa...@binghamton.edu>>
Date: Monday, March 21, 2016 at 5:17 PM
To: marpierc <marpi...@iu.edu<mailto:marpi...@iu.edu>>
Cc: "dev@airavata.apache.org<mailto:dev@airavata.apache.org>" 
Subject: Re: [GSoC Proposal] - Integrating Resource Information from Apache 
Mesos with Apache Airavata’s Job Management Modules

Hi Marlon,
Here is the link that I have created.

The draft is created under the GSoC proposal site under Apache foundation with 
the same title.


On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 4:47 PM, Pierce, Marlon 
<marpi...@iu.edu<mailto:marpi...@iu.edu>> wrote:
Hi Pankaj,

I have some comments, but it would be easier if you created a proposal draft in 
the GSOC site. The google doc option for your draft is better than pointing to 
the Airavata wiki. Please make sure you give comment and suggestion permissions.


From: Pankaj Saha <psa...@binghamton.edu<mailto:psa...@binghamton.edu>>
Reply-To: "dev@airavata.apache.org<mailto:dev@airavata.apache.org>" 
Date: Monday, March 21, 2016 at 11:16 AM
To: dev <dev@airavata.apache.org<mailto:dev@airavata.apache.org>>
Subject: [GSoC Proposal] - Integrating Resource Information from Apache Mesos 
with Apache Airavata’s Job Management Modules

Hi Dev Team,

Please review the following GSoC proposal that I plan to submit:
Title: Integrating Resource Information from Apache Mesos with Apache 
Airavata’s Job Management Modules

Apache Airavata provides gateway computing capability across clustered 
environments for scientific users. It abstracts away the complexities of 
submitting jobs to HPC platforms and provides users with an intuitive and 
elegant web-based interface to submit jobs. Apache Mesos is a  distributed 
kernel that manages distributed computing resources as a single computer. As 
Airavata is being extended to use Big Data and Cloud tools to launch jobs in 
cloud environments, it needs to retrieve the resource and job execution 
information from the Big Data framework back to the Apache portal accessible to 
the end user. In this project we will develop code and scripts to be integrated 
with the Airavata that will use the HTTP API of Mesos to continuously fetch the 
complete resource and scheduling information. This information can then be used 
by Airavata to dynamically monitor and improve its job submission strategy in 
cloud environments such as Jetstream.

Apache Mesos provides HTTP API endpoints for scheduler, executor, internal and 
admin related queries. To fetch information regarding a clustered environment 
that is managed by the Mesos master, the API can be accessed via curl requests 
over HTTP. The response to such requests will be received as well formed json 
document. We will parse the json response and present the information in the 
format desired. The retrieved information will include resource usage, resource 
available for further jobs, job status, time elapsed since the job started, 
etc.  Airavata, in turn, will use this information to determine the resource 
usage, performance of the jobs on a job submission, rapid diagnosis on the 
health of the submitted jobs.

We will use the observer pattern to continuously pull information from Cloud 
and big Data Resource Managers, such as Apache Mesos, to Airavata.

Any comment and suggestions would be very helpful.


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