Hey Jakub,

Did you make any progress on this? Do you need any help/advice/assistance?

- Bolke

> On 8 Mar 2017, at 20:09, Jakub Powierza <jakub.powie...@icloud.com> wrote:
> Hi Gerard,
> Thanks for your reply! I was thinking about contribution connected with the 
> new DAGs UI or preparing REST API for Command Line Interface. These topics 
> seems to be reasonable for GSoC (probably not 100% of these tasks can be 
> completed in three/four months but maybe some parts/tasks?).
> I'll ask for more information on Gitter or in another email :)
> Thanks,
> Jakub Powierza
>> On 7 Mar 2017, at 14:19, Gerard Toonstra <gtoons...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jakub,
>> Thanks for considering airflow as a GSoc project. You mentioned you looked
>> at the links on the JIRA, so you would also have seen the roadmap that was
>> established
>> for new features.  It is available here:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/2017+Roadmap+Items
>> At the moment people are really busy trying to get 1.8 onto the road, which
>> would be a really cool milestone for the project.
>> Beyond the wiki and this mailing list, there's also a gitter.im chat
>> channel where you can meet some people using or developing on airflow
>> itself and ask
>> other questions.
>> One way to get started and streamline future contributions is to look at
>> coding standards and how PR's are usually resolved.
>> You can also start looking at the JIRA to look into current issues:
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AIRFLOW-948?jql=project%20%3D%20AIRFLOW
>> What I can suggest is that you try to develop a proposal (based on the
>> roadmap?) to improve airflow and then find a champion/mentor
>> to help you get there, ideally one of the committers.
>> Best regards,
>> Gerard
>> On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 8:21 AM, Jakub Powierza <jakub.powie...@icloud.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am 3rd year bachelor student from Gdańsk, Poland and I would like to
>>> participate in Google Summer of Code. That would be the first time ever for
>>> me to take a part in this program :)
>>> I am currently working at Intel Technology Poland as Graphics Software
>>> Engineer Intern. I have worked here for about 1.5 year. My primary
>>> languages that I’m using (as a day to day coder) are Python and JavaScript.
>>> I’ve been using several frameworks and technologies such as Flask,
>>> SQLAlchemy, RabbitMQ, Redis, AngularJS and many more. Recently, I have been
>>> using Apache Airflow as a primary framework and I find it very useful and
>>> promising for the future :)
>>> Every day is another adventure, so I’m currently focusing on many other
>>> technologies that can broaden my horizons on IT. That’s why I’m taking a
>>> part in one of the biggest competitions on Kaggle’s platform - Data Science
>>> Bowl 2017. I was asked by my professor to join the team of other passionate
>>> people and together with VoiceLab (local company specialised in machine
>>> learning) try to improve lung cancer detection. That’s my first touch with
>>> machine learning and especially neural networks in Keras/TensorFlow. It
>>> changed my perspectives for the directions in which computer science heads
>>> towards :)
>>> Each new technology/project/task gives me new knowledge and skills that (I
>>> hope) will make me a better developer in the future!
>>> I have seen that Apache have proposed a few projects ideas for this year.
>>> But I have got a question to you. Is there a way to join you and help with
>>> this great framework? I’ve checked your Jira board and there are many ideas
>>> for features/improvements that can be a great GSoC topic :)
>>> I hope to hear from you soon!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jakub Powierza

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