Hello all,

I'm currently setting up a prototype of Airflow with the Celery executor.
When a Celery worker is run as the root user, it crashes with an error
about running as root with pickling enabled being insecure, etc (reference

We can fix that by running our docker container as non-root, but I'd also
like to remove pickle from Celery's accept_content setting altogether.  I
know most Celery settings can be overridden in airflow.cfg, such as
broker_url, but this doesn't seem similarly possible for accept_content
which is hardcoded.


I noticed that I can override celery_config_options in airflow.cfg to point
to a different dict besides default_celery.DEFAULT_CELERY_CONFIG, then in
an overridden dict, I could change the value to:

    'accept_content': ['json'],

But is there a particular reason some Celery settings are overridden in
airflow.cfg directly vs indirectly like this?

By the way, it looks like the default accept_content setting in Celery has
changed to be json only with Celery 4.0 (references 1

Given the plan to remove pickling in Airflow 2.0, perhaps it makes sense to
change the Airflow default to match as well?

Would it be worthwhile for me to submit a PR that reads the other Celery
settings using configuration.get(...) and/or updates this default value?

Thank you,
Taylor Edmiston

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