I suggest it’ll work for your needs.

Sent from a device with less than stellar autocorrect

> On May 21, 2018, at 10:16 AM, purna pradeep <purna2prad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I’m trying to evaluate airflow to see if it suits my needs.
> Basically i can have below steps in a DAG
> 1)Look for a file arrival on given s3 location (this path is not completely
> static) (i can use S3Keysensor in this step)
>  i should be able to specify to look either for latest folder or 24hrs or
> n number of days older folder which has _SUCCESS file as mentioned below
>  sample file location(s):
>  s3a://mybucket/20180425_111447_data1/_SUCCESS
>  s3a://mybucket/20180424_111241_data1/_SUCCESS
>  s3a://mybucket/20180424_111035_data1/_SUCCESS
> 2)invoke a simple restapi using HttpSimpleOperator once the above
> dependency is met ,i can set upstream for step2 as step1
> Does S3keysensor supports step1 out of the box?
> Also in some cases i may to have a DAG without start date & end date it
> just needs to be triggered once file is available in a given s3 location
> *Please suggest !*

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