Oh, and also it seems you can remove the `|safe` from the `text` output since 
`h.render_any_markup` and `g.highlight` return a Markup object (aka string 
flagged as safe).


** [tickets:#7168] Wiki macro to load content from repository**

**Status:** in-progress
**Milestone:** limbo
**Labels:** for-community 42cc 
**Created:** Wed Feb 12, 2014 05:36 PM UTC by Chris Tsai
**Last Updated:** Fri Mar 28, 2014 06:18 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

It would be really nice to have a wiki macro that could pull content from a 

If we had this, we could include general end-user usage docs of the Allura 
platform (as opposed to the more operator geared docs at allura.sf.net), which 
would be distributed along with the Allura platform. This would also make it 
easier for general Allura docs to live side-by-side in a wiki that also 
contains more site specific information (like SourceForge).

I believe this would also be a viable alternative to feature requests such as 
https://sourceforge.net/p/forge/feature-requests/58/ and 


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