- **status**: open --> closed
- **Comment**:



** [tickets:#5190] No documentation on importing from MediaWiki into Allura 

**Status:** closed
**Milestone:** forge-backlog
**Labels:** hostedapps support p3 
**Created:** Mon Oct 29, 2012 08:47 AM UTC by Thomas Friedrichsmeier
**Last Updated:** Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:57 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

I see work has been done to support migrating from MediaWiki (hosted app) to 
the Wiki in Alllura: [#4186], [#4660]. But I can't seem to find the least bit 
of documentation on how to actually use this.

I'm perfectly willing to contribute to such documentation, but I'd really need 
some basic pointers on where to start.


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