- **status**: in-progress --> code-review
- **Comment**:


(Note, 2nd error was cascade effect from first)

Review Instructions:

* Edit production.ini and change build_key value and restart webserver.  This 
will ensure you don't get any cached resources
* Go to a ticket list and click on bulk edit icon.  Make sure you don't get any 
JS errors.  Submit the form successfully.


** [tickets:#7399] JS errors on ticket bulk edit prevent submission**

**Status:** code-review
**Milestone:** forge-may-30
**Created:** Fri May 16, 2014 04:44 PM UTC by Dave Brondsema
**Last Updated:** Fri May 16, 2014 04:44 PM UTC
**Owner:** Dave Brondsema

Errors about `multiselect` and `combobox` not being defined on the following 
lines, cause __ticket_ids to not be injected into the bulk edit form 
submission.  The user then gets a 500 error.  

$('.ticket-filter select').multiselect({



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