- **status**: code-review --> in-progress
- **Comment**:

When I go to restore a deleted page, it brings me to an edit page that has the 
timestamp as part of the pagename, so if I save the page the timestamp is in 
the name, which it shouldn't be.  (This may have been a separate issue that 
already existed, but hard to tell since delete & restore didn't even work 


** [tickets:#7353] Cannot delete wiki entries [ss7480]**

**Status:** in-progress
**Milestone:** limbo
**Labels:** support p3 
**Created:** Wed Apr 30, 2014 07:51 PM UTC by Chris Tsai
**Last Updated:** Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:07 PM UTC
**Owner:** Alexander Luberg


>Yesterday I tried to rename a page and got a timeout. When I went back and 
>tried again it said that a page already existed with that name.

>So I tried to manually delete the old page and it gave me an error.

>Its still not working today when I try to delete the wiki page.
405 Method Not Allowed

>The method GET is not allowed for this resource.

Confirmed, I tried renaming the page to see if that would allow me to rename as 
well, but it didn't help.


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