- **summary**: Support Ticket# 11167 Email Notifications for forum posts not 
working --> Forum thread subscriptions not working
- **Comment**:

Looks like the thread subscription system is pretty old (storing a list of 
subscribers on each thread object) and doesn't work with the subscriptions that 
everything else uses.  

Thread subscriptions started back in commit 
`c49454bc03ed9d524c5305c1344ad69696c7bc8d`.  But then 
`a4f7cd795c197936647e9701ca7c9beffcaad15a` removed `notify_subscribers` and 
shortly before that `87bf2331b58299068774b185060bbb80ef7a01ec` put the new 
system into place, but no sign of thread subscriptions being handled.  That 
commit does include some migration scripts - we'll need something similar to 
convert existing thread subscriptions.

See also [#2996] for related UI suggestions.


** [tickets:#7981] Forum thread subscriptions not working**

**Status:** open
**Milestone:** unreleased
**Labels:** support ss11167 
**Created:** Mon Aug 31, 2015 09:18 PM UTC by John Barrett
**Last Updated:** Mon Aug 31, 2015 09:18 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody





Description in Support Ticket:
I'm not receiving E-mail notifications for a forum comment:
In the attachment you find screenshots of the configuration options, that I 
belive are important.
I also checked my junk mail folder (online & in outlook).
Whatever I do, I'm not receiving any notifications.


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