I'm getting an error when I run this build command


This is the error I'm getting

pysvn must be installed for ForgeSVN to work

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "setup.py", line 26, in <module>
    import pysvn
ImportError: No module named pysvn
    # Error setting up ForgeSVN
    # You may want to run 'pip uninstall ForgeSVN' to un-register it
so you don't get further errors.


*Yasiru Nilan*
*BSc. Eng(Hons) Undergraduate |Batch Representative CSE'13 Batch*
*Department of Computer Science and Engineering |University of Moratuwa |
Sri Lanka*
*Secretory | Leo Club of University of Moratuwa | Leo District 306A2*

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