- **status**: open --> review
- **assigned_to**: Dave Brondsema
- **Comment**:

Forums show `Thread`'s `mod_date` (there is also a `last_post_date`) and that 
does get updated on top-level and nested replies.  Tickets show the `mod_date`. 
 Wiki pages shows (on the browse page) the last `Snapshot`'s `timestamp` so 
that doesn't update on comments at all, which is good since comments aren't as 
central to a wiki.  Similar for blog posts (which only show a post date).

Fixed on db/8213

QA: confirm that top-level & nested replies update timestamps as expected for 
each type of tool.


** [tickets:#8213] Nested replies don't update ticket timestamp**

**Status:** review
**Milestone:** unreleased
**Created:** Thu Jun 28, 2018 04:53 PM UTC by Dave Brondsema
**Last Updated:** Thu Jun 28, 2018 04:53 PM UTC
**Owner:** Dave Brondsema

Commenting on a ticket will update its "Updated" timestamp.  But a nested reply 
to an existing comment on the ticket doesn't update that, which seems 

Might affect all threaded discussions, not just tickets.


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