Mass edit changing:

- **Milestone**: v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8217 Content doesn't get saved when rate limit is hit

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8228 How to delete external links

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8198 Ability to remove activity entries

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8201 Mask/hide email addresses in commit messages

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8212 Github import error on deleted users

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8186 Make antispam form post expiration configurable

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8207 Personal Dashboard - Add parent class for 
ProfileSectionBase and DashboardSectionBase 

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8200 Update GitPython to support git >= 2.15

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#7788 Upgrade mongo on allura-vm

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8199 2FA recovery codes file - line endings

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8206 Personal Dashboard - Add helper method to load sections 
of Dashboard and Profile

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#6353 Pre-fill "private" using URL param

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8214 Compute merge request commits in background

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8219 Personal Dashboard - Test Tickets section

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8223 Personal Dashboard - Add padding to tickets and 
merge_requests sections

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8202 Personal Dashboard - Creating basics of Dashboard 
(Creating file structure, defining routes and loading sections to main UI)

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8194 Persist the list of commits on Merge requests

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8218 Personal Dashboard - Test Dashboard sections

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8197 Site admin searches don't do full matches

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8170 Compiled JS is missing

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8085 Add support for checkboxes to the markdown convertor

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8209 Personal Dashboard - Create Tickets section

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#6070 Make code snapshots based on directory

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8226 Personal Dashboard - Fix dashboard logo

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8216 Personal Dashboard - Create Activity Section

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8210 Use different tmp dir for code snapshots

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8215 Personal Dashboard - Create Merge Requests Section NEEDS 

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8149 Bulk Delete for tickets

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8208 Personal Dashboard - Create Projects section

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8211 Use different tmp dir for project exports

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8220 Personal Dashboard - Create Tests for Merge Requests 

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8229 Personal Dashboard - Move activity section to the top in 
dashboard and profile

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8227 Personal Dashboard - Reduce ticket table columns

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8205 Personal Dashboard - Add test functionality for Dashboard 

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8195 More test coverage for rate limiting

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8196 Save content before form submission

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8213 Nested replies don't update ticket timestamp

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#1699 Fix incoming email for wiki pages with space in the title

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

ticket: tickets:#8224 Ticket subscriptions orphaned when moving tickets

- **Milestone**: unreleased --> v1.9.0

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