Cool.  Good job adding the things like activity entry, I had forgotten about 
that but that is good.  I think it'd be a little better to not let people even 
check the boxes if they don't have permission.  For example add a has_access 
check in "block wiki_extra_js" and don't do the JS if they don't have 
permission.  Still keep the check in update_markdown too though.

I agree doing it for something like ticket next would be good.  That will help 
see what similarities there are between each thing and then can set up jinja 
macros or python functions to share the similar code.

When you get to discussion threads later, doing it inside the loops would be 
too much repeated JS for sure.  I think we should try to put the JS code in 
once for the whole discussion thread and have it be smart enough to work for 
any/all of the comments.  But we can look into that more when we get there.


** [tickets:#8230] Make checklists interactive**

**Status:** open
**Milestone:** unreleased
**Created:** Mon Sep 17, 2018 08:59 PM UTC by Dave Brondsema
**Last Updated:** Thu Oct 04, 2018 06:12 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

It would be nice if the new checklists from [#8085] were interactive too for 
people that have edit access.  The markdown-checklist package has some helper 
JS for it, but would take custom code to handle the ajax and do the update.  
Maybe use existing rest APIs for some artifact types, but everything (wiki 
page, ticket, blog post, comment, etc) will need to be handled specifically to 
hit the right endpoint and with the right data format.


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