taskd has already been started with the below command: 

nohup paster taskd development.ini > /var/log/allura/taskd.log 2>&1 &

and when i see the log file, it has only "nohup: ignoring input" as a content 
in the logfile. No errors as such.

Does configuring external server needs any proxy setup or any other 


** [tickets:#8292] how to configure external smtp server properties in 
development.ini for configuring mail**

**Status:** open
**Milestone:** v1.10.0
**Labels:** SMTP 
**Created:** Tue Jun 04, 2019 12:21 PM UTC by karthik
**Last Updated:** Tue Jun 04, 2019 08:32 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

I am able to send mail using the sample python smtp configuration from my local 
machine using the below code

*sender = 'f...@fromdomain.com'
receivers = ['t...@todomain.com']

message = """From: From Person <f...@fromdomain.com>
To: To Person <t...@todomain.com>
Subject: SMTP e-mail test

This is a test e-mail message.

   smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('**externalServerAddress**:**portNumber**')
   smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receivers, message)         
   print "Successfully sent email"
except SMTPException:
   print "Error: unable to send email"*
W.r.to development.ini  I tried configuring the below SMTP parameters 
  error_email_from = f...@fromdomain.com

; SMTP settings for outgoing mail
smtp_tls = false
smtp_ssl = false

smtp_timeout = 10
smtp_server = **externalServerAddress**
smtp_port = **portNumber**
; Reply-To and From address often used in email notifications:
forgemail.return_path = f...@fromdomain.com

forgemail.host =  **externalServerAddress**
forgemail.port = **portNumber**
; domain suffix for your mail, change this.  You also need to route 
*.*.*.forgemail.domain to the above host/port via
; your mail and DNS configuration
forgemail.domain = fromDomain.com

Even after configuring the above parameters, and starting the gunicorn, the 
mails are not sent from ui.
Am I missing any configuration in development.ini file. 
Could someone assist in setting up the configuration to externalServerAddress 
in development.ini so that the email could be sent from tickets.


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