

[dbrondsema] in password reset, also try lowercasing the email to see if that 

[...truncated 203.04 KB...]
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: sugar-0.9.7, xdist-3.5.0
created: 4/4 workers
rootdir: /allura
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: sugar-0.9.7, xdist-3.5.0
rootdir: /allura
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: sugar-0.9.7, xdist-3.5.0
created: 4/4 workers
rootdir: /allura
configfile: pytest.ini
created: 4/4 workers
plugins: sugar-0.9.7, xdist-3.5.0
created: 4/4 workers
rootdir: /allura
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: sugar-0.9.7, xdist-3.5.0
created: 4/4 workers
rootdir: /allura
configfile: pytest.ini
rootdir: /allura
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: sugar-0.9.7, xdist-3.5.0
plugins: sugar-0.9.7, xdist-3.5.0
created: 4/4 workers
created: 4/4 workers
rootdir: /allura
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: sugar-0.9.7, xdist-3.5.0
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.18, pytest-7.4.4, pluggy-1.3.0
created: 4/4 workers
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.18, pytest-7.4.4, pluggy-1.3.0
rootdir: /allura
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: sugar-0.9.7, xdist-3.5.0
created: 4/4 workers
rootdir: /allura
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: sugar-0.9.7, xdist-3.5.0
created: 4/4 workers
rootdir: /allura
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: sugar-0.9.7, xdist-3.5.0
created: 4/4 workers
rootdir: /allura
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: sugar-0.9.7, xdist-3.5.0
created: 4/4 workers

> allura@0.0.0 lint-es6
> eslint -c .eslintrc-es6  --ignore-path .eslintignore-es6 
> Allura/allura/public/**/*.es6.js || true

4 workers [1 item]

finished `npm run lint-es6` in ., with returncode: 0
collected 87 items

4 workers [59 items]

4 workers [22 items]

collected 156 items

4 workers [72 items]

4 workers [2 items]

4 workers [12 items]

4 workers [13 items]

4 workers [14 items]

4 workers [11 items]

4 workers [19 items]

4 workers [77 items]

4 workers [207 items]

4 workers [149 items]

forgesvn/tests/ ..                                        [  2%]
forgegit/tests/ ..                                        [  1%]
..                                                                       [100%]
------------ generated xml file: /allura/ForgeChat/pytest.junit.xml ------------
======================== 2 passed, 7 warnings in 29.14s ========================
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml -n 4 --dist 
loadfile` in ForgeChat, with returncode: 0
forgesvn/tests/ ....                                        [  6%]
4 workers [1244 items]

..............................................................s......... [ 48%]
forgesvn/tests/functional/ ..                                [  9%]
forgegit/tests/ .....                                       [  4%]
.............                                                            [100%]
---------- generated xml file: /allura/ForgeFeedback/pytest.junit.xml ----------
======================= 13 passed, 19 warnings in 40.85s =======================
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml -n 4 --dist 
loadfile` in ForgeFeedback, with returncode: 0
............                                                             [100%]
--------- generated xml file: /allura/ForgeUserStats/pytest.junit.xml ----------
======================= 12 passed, 26 warnings in 46.58s =======================
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml -n 4 --dist 
loadfile` in ForgeUserStats, with returncode: 0
...........                                                              [100%]
---------- generated xml file: /allura/ForgeShortUrl/pytest.junit.xml ----------
======================= 11 passed, 34 warnings in 48.17s =======================
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml -n 4 --dist 
loadfile` in ForgeShortUrl, with returncode: 0
...................                                                      [100%]
------------ generated xml file: /allura/ForgeLink/pytest.junit.xml ------------
======================= 19 passed, 56 warnings in 48.57s =======================
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml -n 4 --dist 
loadfile` in ForgeLink, with returncode: 0
forgegit/tests/functional/ .........                         [ 10%]
........................................................................ [  5%]
.                                                                        [100%]
----------- generated xml file: /allura/AlluraTest/pytest.junit.xml ------------
============================== 1 passed in 57.53s ==============================
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml -n 4 --dist 
loadfile` in AlluraTest, with returncode: 0
......................                                                   [100%]
---------- generated xml file: /allura/ForgeActivity/pytest.junit.xml ----------
======================= 22 passed, 67 warnings in 59.10s =======================
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml -n 4 --dist 
loadfile` in ForgeActivity, with returncode: 0
..............                                                           [100%]
----------- generated xml file: /allura/ForgeFiles/pytest.junit.xml ------------
======================= 14 passed, 37 warnings in 59.47s =======================
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml -n 4 --dist 
loadfile` in ForgeFiles, with returncode: 0
........................................................................ [ 34%] [ 96%]
.....                                                                    [100%]
--------- generated xml file: /allura/ForgeImporters/pytest.junit.xml ----------
=========== 141 passed, 8 skipped, 257 warnings in 77.40s (0:01:17) ============
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml -n 4 --dist 
loadfile` in ForgeImporters, with returncode: 0
......................s....................................              [100%]
------------ generated xml file: /allura/ForgeBlog/pytest.junit.xml ------------
============ 58 passed, 1 skipped, 154 warnings in 79.48s (0:01:19) ============
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml -n 4 --dist 
loadfile` in ForgeBlog, with returncode: 0
........................................................................ [ 11%]
........................................................................ [ 17%]
....s................................................................... [ 23%]
forgegit/tests/functional/ .......................... [ 26%]
s....................................................................... [ 93%]
.....                                                                    [100%]
------------ generated xml file: /allura/ForgeWiki/pytest.junit.xml ------------
=========== 76 passed, 1 skipped, 210 warnings in 128.08s (0:02:08) ============
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml -n 4 --dist 
loadfile` in ForgeWiki, with returncode: 0
........................................................................ [ 28%]
forgesvn/tests/functional/ ........................   [ 36%]
........................................................................ [100%]
--------- generated xml file: /allura/ForgeDiscussion/pytest.junit.xml ---------
================= 72 passed, 225 warnings in 142.59s (0:02:22) =================
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml -n 4 --dist 
loadfile` in ForgeDiscussion, with returncode: 0
........................................................................ [ 34%]
........................................................................ [ 40%]
........................................................................ [ 46%]
........................................................................ [ 52%]
........................................................................ [ 57%]
forgesvn/tests/model/ ................................ [ 73%]
........................................................................ [ 63%]
...................                                                      [ 95%]
forgesvn/tests/model/ ....                      [100%]

------------ generated xml file: /allura/ForgeSVN/pytest.junit.xml -------------
================= 87 passed, 136 warnings in 207.76s (0:03:27) =================
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml ` in 
ForgeSVN, with returncode: 0
........................................................................ [ 69%]
.......................................................                  [ 62%]
........................................................................ [ 75%]
...................s.................................................... [ 81%]
........................................................................ [ 69%]
............................................................F........... [ 86%]
forgegit/tests/model/ ................................ [ 82%]
.............................ssssssss................................... [ 92%]
........................................................................ [ 98%]
....................                                                     [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
________________________ TestProjectModel.test_project _________________________
[gw3] linux -- Python 3.8.18 /allura-data/virtualenv/bin/python3.8
allura/tests/model/ in test_project
    c.project.install_app('Wiki', '1')
allura/tests/ in __exit__
    raise AssertionError('Did not raise %s' % self.ExcType)
E   AssertionError: Did not raise <class 'allura.lib.exceptions.ToolError'>
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
DEBUG Snapshot version 1 of <class 
DEBUG Notifications disabled 
for project test, not sending metadata(<Page title='Home' text='Welcome to your 
wiki!\n\nThis is
  the default page, edit it as you see fit. To add a new
  page simply reference it within brackets, e.g.:
  [SamplePage].\n\nThe wiki uses
  syntax.\n\n[[members limit=20]]\n' text_cache=I{'md5':
  None, 'fix7528': <Missing>, 'html': None, 'render_time':
  None} version=1 _id=ObjectId('65aead7dc96b91e286b41374')
  mod_date=datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 22, 18, 1, 33, 70149)
  app_config_id=ObjectId('65aead7dc96b91e286b4136e') acl=I[]
  labels=I[] import_id=None deleted=False>)
DEBUG Snapshot version 1 of <class 
DEBUG Notifications disabled 
for project test, not sending metadata(<Page title='Home' text='Welcome to your 
wiki!\n\nThis is
  the default page, edit it as you see fit. To add a new
  page simply reference it within brackets, e.g.:
  [SamplePage].\n\nThe wiki uses
  syntax.\n\n[[members limit=20]]\n' text_cache=I{'md5':
  None, 'fix7528': <Missing>, 'html': None, 'render_time':
  None} version=1 _id=ObjectId('65aead7dc96b91e286b4138a')
  mod_date=datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 22, 18, 1, 33, 158175)
  app_config_id=ObjectId('65aead7dc96b91e286b41384') acl=I[]
  labels=I[] import_id=None deleted=False>)
------------- generated xml file: /allura/Allura/pytest.junit.xml --------------
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED allura/tests/model/ - A...
==== 1 failed, 1233 passed, 10 skipped, 1415 warnings in 278.06s (0:04:38) =====
finished `pytest allura/tests/ --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml 
-n 4 --dist loadfile` in Allura, with returncode: 1
...........................                                              [100%]

------------ generated xml file: /allura/ForgeGit/pytest.junit.xml -------------
================ 156 passed, 336 warnings in 284.18s (0:04:44) =================
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml ` in 
ForgeGit, with returncode: 0
...............................................................          [100%]
---------- generated xml file: /allura/ForgeTracker/pytest.junit.xml -----------
================ 207 passed, 507 warnings in 388.27s (0:06:28) =================
finished `pytest  --disable-warnings --junit-xml=pytest.junit.xml -n 4 --dist 
loadfile` in ForgeTracker, with returncode: 0

 Container allura-web-1  Stopping
 Container allura-web-1  Stopped
 Container allura-web-1  Removing
 Container allura-web-1  Removed
 Container allura-mongo-1  Stopping
 Container allura-solr-1  Stopping
 Container allura-mongo-1  Stopped
 Container allura-mongo-1  Removing
 Container allura-mongo-1  Removed
 Container allura-solr-1  Stopped
 Container allura-solr-1  Removing
 Container allura-solr-1  Removed
 Network allura_default  Removing
 Network allura_default  Removed
Total reclaimed space: 0B
Deleted Volumes:

Total reclaimed space: 0B
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.

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