Hi Dave,

Thanks for the pointers, this is very helpful. I bookmarked this discussions 
for later reference[0]. I'll do my homework and explore more.


[0] https://forum.forgefriends.org/t/apache-allura-import-export/1017

On 06/03/2024 22:33, Dave Brondsema wrote:

That sounds like a neat idea.  And Allura has a good amount of import & export 
behavior already so you'd have a good starting point to work from.

For importers, you can start by looking at ForgeImporters/setup.py where it has a 
[allura.importers] section that points at several types of importers.  Those 
reference python classes like GitHubTrackerImporter, and more could be added. They 
all inherit ToolImporter and will get some behavior for free, like showing up on 
every projects' Admin > Import page.

For exporters, there is a Admin > Export page for every project, but it isn't 
as flexible to support additional export formats currently.  That page is set up 
by this function:
     def export(self, tools=None, with_attachments=False):

And then backend work is done by `class BulkExport` and the `def bulk_export` 
functions across the codebase.

If you want realtime mirroring, that sounds more challenging, but could be 
possible by expanding upon Allura's REST APIs 

Other parts of our docs cover installation and some general concepts of the code 
& systems, so might be helpful.  https://forge-allura.apache.org/docs/index.html

Happy to answer any more questions you might have

On 3/5/24 12:56 AM, Loïc Dachary wrote:

I would be grateful if someone had a few pointers regarding the import / export 
operations in Allura. I'm working on data portability between forges, in the 
context of the F3 project[0], and I'd like to write a driver for Allura. It 
would allow for bi-directional mirroring from/to other forges. Not just the 
repository but also issues[1].


[0] https://f3.forgefriends.org
[1] https://forge-allura.apache.org/p/allura/wiki/Features/

Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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