Hi All,

Unfortunately, as some of you might have seen, I had to cancel the vote at
the general@incubator mailing list.

The original issue we had we one to do with the release build, which guy
and I are working to fix ASAP.

However, there ware some issues that were raised by Justin Mclean which
caused him to vote -1 which I would like to get the opinion of the *mentors*

1. The first issue raised by Justin was that we have the Gradle wrapper jar
as part of the sources. I've just taken a look at the beam sources and it
seems that Beam releases the sources with the same jar. do we need to do
anything to get permission to do that?

2. the second issue (which refers to most of the files in his email) is the
existence of PySpark in the resources of the executor/test folder. While
there are a few issues there, PySpark is an Apache project, so I assumed
we can use it as a whole under the Apache license. if not, is there
anything else we need to do?

3. Justin had a strange remark about an MIT licenced file which I think
refers to codegen.py which is a BSD licensed file, I realize I need to add
the original license of the project to the licenses folder, however,
codegen doesn't have one. what can we do in that case?

Thanks in advance
Yaniv Rodenski

+61 477 778 405

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