Take a look at 
 specifically the ambari_agent_disk_usage definition. It defines 3 custom 

On Sep 16, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Arun Patel 
<arunp.bigd...@gmail.com<mailto:arunp.bigd...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Thanks Jon.

Can you please provide an example that creates the definition in
alerts.json with the parameter?

On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 9:00 AM, Jonathan Hurley 

Hi Arun,

The script is still distributed to run on all of the ZK hosts. However,
when the data is aggregated from the hosts, new alert instances will not be
created per-host. Instead, they will be used to update a single alert

The Ambari Web Client does not expose the ability to view or edit custom
parameters of alert definitions. For this, you’d need to either create the
definition in alerts.json with the parameter or use the alert definition
API endpoint to create/update the definition with the custom parameter
using a POST or PUT respectively.

On Sep 14, 2015, at 4:27 PM, Arun Patel 
<arunp.bigd...@gmail.com<mailto:arunp.bigd...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Have couple of questions on Ambari custom alerts.

1) I developed a python script to check the znodes of zookeeper.  I used
the option "ignore_host": true and its working fine.  Now, in this case,
the script will run on which host?  any one of the 3 zookeeper hosts?

2) I would like to pass a custom parameter to the script from Ambari
page.  The user should click edit to change the parameter as needed.  How
do I provide this option in alerts.json?


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