On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Steve Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For those who have not been following the traffic on this bug can
> someone please have a capsule summary about what breaks when you use
> it?  Is it the <zipfileset> only which is affected, or are things
> like <jar> affected as well?

All <zip>/<jar>/<ear>/<war> tasks using <zipfileset> are affected.
Please not that the <webinf>/<lib>/<metainf> elements as well as the
webxml and applicationxml attributes use a <zipfileset> internally, so
they have problems as well.

The effect is that the files coming from these filesets get their
"external attributes" set in a way that seems to make them unreadable
and unextractable by WinZIP.

While Antoine's patch certainly fixes *a* bug in Zip, I'm not sure
whether it really fixes *the* bug - no WinZIP to either verify the bug
in 1.5.2 or its fix in CVS.


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