Could someone please explain me what SuiteRunner brings to the table that
JUnit doesn't???? I've looked at it quite a bit, and maybe beside better
reporting, I don't see anything compelling about it compared to JUnit, and
even loose the built-in assert methods of TestCase (thru Assert)...

I'd be interested in knowing what other see in it. Thanks, --DD

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Duffy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 5:09 AM
To: Ant Developers List
Subject: Artima SuiteRunner Task

Hi All,

(Please forgive my newbie-ness).

I have developed an Ant Task for the Artima SuiteRunner and I'd like to
submit it. Perhaps a Committer might a respond directly and I'll e-mail them
a zip file containing the code? (Didn't want to send a zip file to a few
hundred people...!)


Adam Duffy
Crypto Group
Computer Science Dept
NUI Maynooth

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