On Wed, 9 Apr 2003 10:30 pm, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
> How is this different from say
>   <property name="result" value="${testloc}"/>
>   <property name="testloc" location="testdir"/>
>   <target name="default">
>     <echo message="Result is ${result}"/>
>   </target>
> It doesn't work either.
> If you delay the configuration of <path>, but not the expansion of
> properties, properties and data-types will get even more inconsistent.
> This doesn't mean that your idea is bad, maybe we should apply the
> same to property expansion as well then?  I'm very unsure, though.

Well, it was a fun experiment :-) but I don't think it is going to fly. 
(Classfileset test fails because there are multiple elements with the same id 
and these rely on "execution" to set the id value)


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