Stefan Bodewig wrote:

>> Regarding AntLib itself, XML descriptor or not, I'm more interested
>> in being able to partition the namespace used by Ant to perform the
>> name to class mapping currently restricted to tasks/types.
> Let's start with tasks and types and see if/how that flies.
> If we want to extend the plugability to mappers or selectors or
> whatever (I do), the solution in the end may be a flat namespace
> (everything is a type) as Costin seems to hint at when he wants to
> drop the difference between task and type.

At the low level - i.e. all are components, we just create and define
the components.

If they are used in one role or another - or how the role is associated
( patterns like "has an execute() method" or interfaces ) - it really
shouldn't matter when you create the component. 

I'm also not convinced on the XML descriptor - I would rather keep 
a properties file ( if we operate in terms of "project components" - that
becomes very easy ), or at least standard manifests. It is quite easy to
just use the normal META-INF/Manifest, and add a "Ant-Role: Task" attribute
to the Name: entry for a particular class. ( assuming we decide not to do 
"everything is a project component" ).



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