J.Pietschmann wrote:

> Costin Manolache wrote:
>> There are working and valid systems ( Axis, Xslt ) that use the namespace
>> with associated meaning.
> The expanded XML element/attribute names get a meaning through an
> processing model, nobody denies this. The problems start if someone
> associates a specific semantic with the form of a namespace name,
> for example mandating that it points to a library in order to
> associate expanded element names with a meaning rather than to
> use a single spec.

I agree that having the NS URI as a file path on the local system
wouldn't be perfect. And IMO it would be also bad to use some completely
meaningless and random UUID.

Something in the middle - like the package name - would be IMO good

For example: 

The package can be used to locate an /org/apache.../antlib.xml.

Keeping antlib.xml in the package would avoid merging problems ( in META-INF
- if you combine 2 jars for example ), and may be even cleaner.


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