I think that roles add clarity to description of datatypes or components. I
liked the syntax of the antlib descriptor proposed by Jose Alberto, which in
my example with shapes would have been :
<antlib version="1.5" >
  <task name="computearea" class="org.apache.demo.ComputeAreaTask"/>
  <task name="computeperimeter"
 <role name="shape" class="org.apache.demo.ShapeInterface"/>
  <shape name="circle" class="org.apache.demo.Circle"/>
  <shape name="square" class="org.apache.demo.Square"/>
Reading this, and knowing that computearea and computeperimeter accept
shapes as nested element, a build file writer would know that <circle/> and
<square/> can be nested inside <computearea/> and <computeperimeter/>. This
descriptor also says that ShapeInterface should have a special meaning for
ant, which for instance Serializable, Cloneable, ... do not necessarily

However, if , as it sounds, I am the only committer who expresses support
for roles, I will give up on that subject.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Costin Manolache" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: antlib

> Conor MacNeill wrote:
> > On Thu, 22 May 2003 01:02 am, Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
> >> Whatever we adopt, it definetly need to be written from scratch. :-)
> >>
> >
> > Cool. All I had to go on was the code. If we agree that roles are based
> > the interface implemented by the nested element, that is good. It was my
> > main concern. I still don't really see the need for roles but that's
> > me :-) Go for it.
> I don't think it's just you, I'm on the same side.
> Probably a small poll on the remaining issues would help clarify where the
> majority stands. I think most people are willing to accept a range of
> solutions, and a lot is a matter of taste and prefference.
> So far I've heard the strong opinion of Jose on roles - and I'm not sure
> on the other's opinions. There are 2 negative opinions so far. If we
> to add roles, I would like to be clear where other committers stand.
> Costin
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