Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote, On 31/07/2003 13.24:

From: Nicola Ken Barozzi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Wait a second, does this mean that there is crosstalk between the lines 1, 2, 3?

Yes, there is crosstalk and at least in XSLT this is a good thing.
It means that you can write a bunch of files with groups of
templates on each, and then by just importing them into one buildfile
all the pieces can interact with each other. In that way if I want to
replace one group of templates in a diferent project I can just change
the import line for that particular group and the behaviour changes.

We use this technique extensively in our system at work and it makes
life extremely easy and modular. So in may opinion this is a good thing.

That's what I do too, just that I don't never had the need or ever thought of doing it with targets that are not redefined in the base one.

If you say that you use it and benefit from it, I believe you, and makes me feel better :-)

So what I thought was a bug is instead a feature; the important thing is that this "feature" is correctly documented.

I used this "feature" in centipede.

The release antlib has a target called tag-and-release, but it depends on a target called tag
However tagis expected to be defined in a different antlib. Currently it is defined in cvsbuild, but it is open for someone to make a vssbuild antlib.

So I do think cross talk is a "feature" but a feature that can be hard to grok.

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