I'd like to not only build (using Ant) when I'm using VIM, but hotdeploy the
class changes to a running app. I use ant.vim and it works very nicely. Then, I
wrote a hotswap client using JDI. Now, I can run that via the commandline, but
I'd rather integrate it into Ant.
I toyed with doing a separate task, but I thought I'd just end up redoing some
code that was already in <javac>. So, for a proof of concept, I've added some
attributes to the <javac> task and am in the process of finishing the
connections to the hot swap code. Basicly, once the compile is done, if hotswap
was enabled, it would connect to the VM and push those class files over.

First, does anyone have any better idea of how I could integrate the hotswap
feature into Ant?
Second, is there a good way to get a list of the actual fully qualified class
names that were compiled? I have the list of files, but I'd have to try to
parse out the class name, which I don't have a good solution for yet. I just
really need the classes dir (destDir) and the names of all the classes to be
replaced in the VM.


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