Dominique Devienne wrote:
From: Steve Loughran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
One change I have also checked in to is some extra logic
for naming antlibs. Instead of just


you can go


and have that file's declarations read in. This will let me keep a set
of antlibs in a single dir, load it with -lib and then have


So, I am clearly +1 in having this feature. What I am 0 about is the
exact syntax. Should it be a full path like what I have done, or should
it be


In which case, the antlib.xml is just something we patch in on the end
if there is no /*.xml file defined at the tail.


I guess you did go more into the use case, after your commit ;-)

yeah, i kind of stuck it in as an experiment; we can back out trivially

I'm still not sure I fully follow your logic... but it sounds like you want
to load some macros by (ab?)using the antlib mechanism??? Why not simply use
<import> to load target-less builds with macro definitions?

I will still be using <import> where needed, but I wanted to define custom antlibs for all the presetdefs and typedefs and scripted things, with the goal being third party projects can reuse them by -lib including the directory. without the full-path antlib stuff we can do that, I just have to create one package/lib.

here is the problem i am trying to deal with*checkout*/smartfrog/core/antbuild/doc/third_generation_build_process.sxw

Auto-downloading tasks (instead of push, I much prefer pull, where you fail
asking the user to run a given target to do the download explicitly) can be
handled just the same with an imported build file, no?

I'll probably have a sequence to pull down extra stuff w/ maven as need be

The one think your current use of antlib with -lib gives you is the ability
to locate the resource dynamically using the classpath. This could and
probably should be handled using an import path (kind of like a vpath) that
<import> could use, no? I think this feature has been requested before. It
would avoid me having to use an env. var. to locate the imported file as

yeah, an import path. interesting idea, though we'd need something on import to refer to a search path or something

Like I said in my other message, I think we should reserve the antlib
loading mechanism for load task collection just in the usual way, and use
<import>, possibly enhanced, to support what I believe you want.

Thoughts? --DD

I am still working out how best to use antlib, and i think others are in the same state. Anything we can do to make this and import work better in big projects is good.

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