Steve Loughran wrote:

I'm midway through adding the smartfrog features to run ant builds remotely; buildexceptions will get wrapped and sent back over the wire to the caller via our friend RMI. as will, ultimately, the logs. you can use this to run build files as part of a big deployment, and be able to dynamically tweak the log levels as you go.

one things I'm worrying about is how to stop long-running builds more cleanly. I'm thinking of an executor that polls some halt variable between targets, but that does nothing for tasks. Can/should we add something to project, so that you can actually interrupt project execution between tasks? We coudl through a BuildInterruptedException.

What do IDEs do to stop ant builds? just kill the thread/process?

of course, a more devious way would be to implement the check-for-halt logic in a build listener, so that you can retrofit the halting tests to an out the box ant1.7.0 release; throw a BuildInterruptedException (that extends BuildException).

what bad things would happen if I threw a BuildException in a BuildListener.targetstarted() call?

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