Notifications by the CI server [1] are now send to
So you'll could get a little more traffic in the future.

BTW - now I saw that Apache is hosting a Hudson [2]  instance [3].


[1] http://ant.apache.org/nightlies.html
[2] https://hudson.dev.java.net/
[3] http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/

Hudson is being used by Hadoop. Here is an example of it at work


when you submit a patch on jira, and mark it as patch available, hudson will check out and build the code, and reject it if
 -it doesnt build
 -it creates more findbugs or checkstyle warnings
 -any tests fail
 -it doesnt add or change existing tests

so: no tests, no commit. Its a nice way of handling contribs from third parties; hudson rejects things until the patch is up to scratch, then the committers take over.

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