On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 6:22 AM, Stefan Bodewig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2008-11-19, Jean-Louis BOUDART <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just have two questions :
> I knew I didn't reproduce all of EasyAnt's patch 8-)
> >    - Does prefix of <import> / <include> make sense on target-group? Or
> >    should we consider target-group as an "abstract target" that is never
> >    prefixed?
> To me target-groups should be treated just like targets by import and
> include so I made the same prefix rules apply.  Why would you want to
> have different rules?  Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of include?
> >    - When displaying projecthelp should we have target and target-group
> >    mixed? or should we have a distinction?
> From the user's (the one running the build not writing the build file)
> there shouldn't really be any difference so I wouldn't report them
> separately.  That may be just me.

I'm not sure if it's directly related to thread-group, or to the usage made
of thread-group in EasyAnt: when using thread-groups as "phases", it is
better to have them isolated in project help, even from a user point of
view. But when used only as a way to inject target dependencies, the user
doesn't have to know about that.

But maybe the point is that we should isolate the thread-group concept from
target dependency injection. IMO a thread-group is something at a higher
level than a target (as the name implies), something which was missing in
Ant IMO, especially for large build systems based on Ant. As such I think it
deserves isolation in project help. But if thread-group is the only way to
have target dependency injection, then people may use it only for that, and
complain about the distinction in project help. So maybe we should introduce
target dependency injection for regular targets too? I'm not sure how useful
it is though, just throwing ideas.


> Stefan
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Xavier Hanin - 4SH France
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