2008/11/20 Stefan Bodewig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 2008-11-19, Gilles Scokart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I was thus thinking to provide this classpath using the
>> project.setCoreLoader.  But that didn't worked.
>> Indeed, the coreLoader is not used when declaring antlib.
> Is coreLoader used at all?  Anywhere?

Yes, in a very few tasks : Which ressources and ExecuteJava (but only
when no classpath is given)
It is also used for the core ant tasks & types.

> There are bugzilla issues talking about making it functional.
> I don't recall the details but think the core loader is the result of
> an unfinished experiment.

It was what I was suspecting.  There is indeed a lot of tasks that use
Project.createClassLoader that was not considering the coreLoader.

>> In parallel I wanted to ask feedback for such sensible change for
>> which I can't really mesure all the impact.
> Classloader changes are dangerous, in particular since our unit tests
> don't cover many scenarios (and it would be difficult to do, you'd
> need lots of forked junits) and Gump uses a very specific construct so
> won't catch problems here.

Oups, I was hoping Gump could help...  Specialy for the different
antlibs test suites.

> For your concrete patches I'll need more time to review before I
> comment.

I can understand.  Take your time.

On my side, I managed to launch the unit test.  I works at the
exception of the antunit move-test.xml.  But I guess it is related to
cygwin (or java 1.6?).  I will have a look to be sure.

I have also rethink about the change.  I feel that the change in
BuildFileTest in maybe too intrusive and there is a risk of
incompatibility, specialy if some test are testing things linked to
classLoader.  Maybe transfering the unit test classLoader into the
project coreLoader should be optional, to reduce this risk.

Also, in the componentHelper, the call
definer.setAntlibClassLoader(project.getCoreLoader()); is useless with
the change done in Project.  I did it this change first to allow the
automated antlib to be found, but then I realized that it still didn't
worked for the declared typedef and I made the more impacting change
in Project.

Gilles Scokart

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