On 2011-03-06, Kevin Jackson wrote:

> Am I supposed to checkout each antlib independently

That's how I do it.  Honestly I never expected people wanted to check
out all-trunks at all.  The scripts that are there to create or promote
antlibs expect that you have checked out the antlibs individually as
they need to work on the trunk/tags/branches structure.

If it is common practice to use all-trunks we must change the
svn:externals to use https.

> - last time I tried this I needed all-trunks to promote the vss
> antlib, so I don't think this should be the case.

You only needed to change the svn:externals on all-trunks, for this you
only need a non-recursive working copy of it (or none at all if you use
"svn ps svn:externals https://....";)


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