Hi Stephen,

thanks for having a look and your remarks.

I think that it's actually quite important to not tamper with existing 
metadata (i.e.
pom -> ivy.xml -> pom). If makepom could be instructed to recreate the 
pom instead creating a "similar" one, that would be fine, of course.

So your proposal would be something like a task "makeallmissingpoms"? I.e.
go through a module and all its dependencies, and create a pom for every 
that does not have one?


Von:    Stephen Haberman <stephen.haber...@gmail.com>
An:     "Ant Developers List" <dev@ant.apache.org>
Datum:  28.10.2013 16:21
Betreff:        Re: Review for IVY-1431?

Hi Carsten,

IANAC (I am not a commiter), but I saw your patch go by and had a few

I understand that, for your from-Maven dependencies, there are .pom
around already, but that seems like luck--what about other dependencies
you're pulling in that didn't come from Maven? That don't have existing

I think a more general solution would be to have ivy:install support
using the ivy:makepom functionality to systematically make POMs for
your module + all of the dependencies directly from their Ivy files.

Yes, this would cause round-tripping from original POM -> Ivy file ->
derived POM, such that original POM may != derived POM, but I think
conceptually this "install into repo with POMs for *all* artifacts" is
a better feature for Ivy than "install into repo with POMs for only
the artifacts that happen to already have them".

That said, your approach sounds great for your specific setup, but it
seems like a little bit of a hack and not very general to me.

- Stephen

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