On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 10:41 PM, Johan Corveleyn <jcor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, that works perfectly! On Solaris 11, with your latest version of
> the ant wrapper. When I run your test.sh, with the test.xml, I get
> exactly the correct output.
> However, with esc_tool=awk it fails. Don't know why yet, but the first
> property makes it fail already:
> [[
> bash-4.1> ./ant.new
> "-Dfoo=dollar\$_backtick\`_single'_double\"_trailingbackslash\\" -f
> test.xml
> Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
> Build failed
> ]]
> With -version there is no problem, and running with '-f test.xml'
> without properties also works (and fwiw, "-Ddoublespace=  " also
> works).

Okay, so the problem with the awk variant on Solaris is only with the
trailing backslash. If I remove that from the test input, all other
tests work.

This change (doubling the backslashes even more) seems to fix it, but
I have no idea if it breaks the awk variant on other platforms:

bash-4.1> diff ant.new ant.new.edited
<         esc_arg="$(printf '%s' "$esc_arg" | "$awk_exec" '{
gsub(/\\/, "\\\\"); print }' )"
>         esc_arg="$(printf '%s' "$esc_arg" | "$awk_exec" '{ gsub(/\\/, 
> "\\\\\\\\"); print }' )"

Here is output of the awk variant with your version:

bash-4.1> ./ant.new --execdebug "-Dfoo=trail\\ingbackslash\\" -f test.xml
arg       : -Dfoo=trail\ingbackslash\
quoted_arg: "-Dfoo=trail\ingbackslash\"
arg       : -f
quoted_arg: "-f"
arg       : test.xml
quoted_arg: "test.xml"
exec "$JAVACMD" -Xmx512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:MaxPermSize=140m
-classpath "$LOCALCLASSPATH" -Dant.home="$ANT_HOME"
-Dant.library.dir="$ANT_LIB"  org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher
-cp "$CLASSPATH"  "-Dfoo=trail\ingbackslash\" "-f" "test.xml"
Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed

And with ant.new.edited:

bash-4.1> ./ant.new.edited --execdebug "-Dfoo=trail\\ingbackslash\\" -f test.xml
arg       : -Dfoo=trail\ingbackslash\
quoted_arg: "-Dfoo=trail\\ingbackslash\\"
arg       : -f
quoted_arg: "-f"
arg       : test.xml
quoted_arg: "test.xml"
exec "$JAVACMD" -Xmx512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:MaxPermSize=140m
-classpath "$LOCALCLASSPATH" -Dant.home="$ANT_HOME"
-Dant.library.dir="$ANT_LIB"  org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher
-cp "$CLASSPATH"  "-Dfoo=trail\ingbackslash\" "-f" "test.xml"
Buildfile: /data/tools/ant/apache-ant-1.9.7/bin/test.xml

     [echo] hello world
     [echo] foo=trail\ingbackslash\_
     [echo] bar=${bar}_
     [echo] nl=${nl}_
     [echo] nlnl=${nlnl}_
     [echo] nlnlnl=${nlnlnl}_
     [echo] doublespace=${doublespace}_
     [echo] end

Total time: 0 seconds


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