2017-01-12 9:12 GMT-03:00 Sharan F <>:

> Hello Everyone
> This email is to tell you about ASF participation at FOSDEM. The event
> will be held in Brussels on 4^th & 5^th February 2017 and we are hoping
> that many people from our ASF projects will be there.
> Attending FOSDEM is completely free and the ASF will again be running a
> booth there. Our main focus will on talking to people about the ASF, our
> projects and communities.
> *_Why Attend FOSDEM?_*
> Some reasons for attending FOSDEM are:
> 1. Promoting your project: FOSDEM has up to 4-5000 attendees so is a
>    great place to spread the word about your project
> 2. Learning, participating and meeting up: FOSDEM is a developers
>    conference so includes presentations covering a range of
>    technologies and includes lots of topic specific devrooms
> _*FOSDEM Wiki *_
> A page on the Community Development wiki has been created with the main
> details about our involvement at conference, so please take a look
> If you would like to spend some time on the ASF booth promoting your
> project then please sign up on the FOSDEM wiki page. Initially we would
> like to split this into slots of 3-4 hours but this will depend on the
> number of projects that are represented.
> We are also looking for volunteers to help out on the booth over the 2
> days of the conference, so if you are going to be there and are willing to
> help then please add your name to the volunteer list.
> _*Project Stickers*_
> If you are going to be at FOSDEM and do not have any project stickers to
> give away then we may (budget permitting) be able to help you get some
> printed. Please contact me with your requirements.
> _*Social Event*_
> Some people have asked about organising an ASF social event / meetup
> during the conference. This is possible but we will need know how many
> people are interested and which date works best. The FOSDEM wiki page also
> contains an 'Arrival / Departure' section so so please add your details if
> you would like to participate.
> I hope this helps people see some of the advantages of attending FOSDEM
> and we are looking forward to seeing lots of people there from our ASF
> communities.
> Thanks
> Sharan
> Apache Community Development

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