Since the latest released version of that library is 1.58, I think we should use that version, unless there's a specific reason to not use it. A quick compilation of Ivy with this library and checking their docs for JDK compatibility suggested no issues with 1.58.


On 19/09/17 10:07 AM, Gintautas Grigelionis wrote:
I would like to propose upgrading BouncyCastle to at least 1.57 [1] to
include all security and PGP/GPG related fixes.



2017-09-11 21:45 GMT+02:00 Gintautas Grigelionis <>:

I'd like to have included
in the upcoming release.

There were few opinions about using SVG graphics, so I'm not sure whether
the proposals could just simply be merged. It would be nice to refresh the
site for the 10th anniversary of graduation from the incubator, though.

Finally, there is a contentious issue of API change regarding the use of
generics. Arrays of generics is a no-no in Java [1]. Thus, the method in
question should be deprecated. IMHO, the suggested mitigation by providing
a default implementation of the new method in terms of the old one in the
abstract class is sufficient for the use cases found in the wild.



2017-09-11 17:05 GMT+02:00 Jaikiran Pai <>:

It's been a while since we have decided to revive the Ivy project and
work towards a usable release. Since then, we have fixed a good number of
bugs, added some enhancements and updated the documentation (we also
switched to asciidoc based docs internally). When we started this, the goal
was to reach a certain state where we can do a release. At this point, IMO,
we are _almost_ there to do the release. I say almost because, there's one
specific bug that I want to be fixed in this release - There's been a
discussion about what it involves and why it isn't an easy fix in this
mailing list before. I have been working on it and as was expected, it's a
bit complex and since it touches a critical part of the code, I don't want
to rush it.

The past few weeks, I have been shifting between this issue and fixing
certain other issues that have been reported in JIRA. But at this point, I
plan to just focus on this single issue (and one minor task involving
reviewing the tutorial docs), before I personally consider things done for
this release.


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