For what it's worth, I used pandoc <> to automate most of
the conversion from xdoc and markdown to asciidoc over at Log4j. The only
struggles I had with that tool are that it supports HTML, not xdoc, so it
doesn't understand the section/subsection/etc. tags, and it doesn't output
the correct syntax for nested tables (need to convert | to ! in a nested

On 23 April 2018 at 08:25, Nicolas Lalevée <>

> Hi,
> I would like to go forward and migrate the part of the site about Ivy and
> IvyDE to asciidoc, since it has gone well for the documentation about Ivy
> and IvyDE.
> So first, is OK for everybody ?
> Reminding of the pros: way faster, more standard source of doc. For the
> cons: not 'html-hackable’ easily, see below about the home page.
> For a first base of the discussion, I have give it a shot. I have reused
> the xooki2asciidoc tool developed for Ivy's documentation. And I have done
> a first run, committed the result of the asciidoc files. I think that since
> the amount of the pages is reasonable, the quality is fine enough and can
> fix the page manually from there.
> You can see the generated site from the asciidoc files with: ant -f
> build-doc.xml generate-site
> The new site is generated in a ‘production2’ folder, so we do not mess
> with the real site. It is only for testing purpose for now.
> There are some cleanup to do, I haven't fix any page manually. If somebody
> want to start, he is welcome to do so.
> One page I am worried about is the main page [2]. I am not sure there are
> some sane asciidoc directives to render something similar. If you already
> have ideas, please share. If I remember correctly there is directive to
> blindly render content, which could be html, as a fall back.
> Then, if we’re OK with the change, and if we find something suitable to
> generate the Home page, we prepare a new version of the site, pushing
> somewhere so we can review it online. Once happy with the result, we
> switch. And then we apply the same process with the site for IvyDE. Sounds
> good ?
> Nicolas
> [1] <
> index.html>

Matt Sicker <>

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