Finally we have a robust jdbc polling input operator. Since it is
@evolving, we can make improvements over time as folks start using this

+1 for merging the PR.


On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 11:17 AM, Devendra Tagare <
> wrote:

> All,
> We have created a JDBCPollInputOperator with the below features,
> 1. poll from external jdbc store asynchronously in the input operator.
> 2. polling frequency and batch size are configurable.
> 3.User can specify the polling query
> 4.User can specify the columns to fetch as a part of the result set.
> 5. It is idempotent and partition-able.
> 6. Supports both batch + polling behavior.
> With the above set of features there as some assumptions for idempotency &
> partitioning,
> 1.User needs to provide tableName,dbConnection,setEmitColumnList,look-up
> key.
> 2.Optionally batchSize,pollInterval,Look-up key and a where clause can be
> given.
> 3.This operator uses static partitioning to arrive at range queries for
> exactly once reads
> 4.Assumption is that there is an ordered column using which range queries
> can be formed.
> 5.If an emitColumnList is provided, please ensure that the keyColumn is the
> first column in the list
> 6.Range queries are formed using the JdbcMetaDataUtility Output - comma
> separated list of the emit columns eg columnA,columnB,columnC
> Per window the first and the last key processed is saved using the
> FSWindowDataManager - (<lowerBound,UpperBound>,operatorId,windowId).This
> (lowerBound,upperBoundPair) is then used for recovery.The queries are
> constructed using the JDBCMetaDataUtility.
> JDBCMetaDataUtility
> A utility class used to retrieve the metadata for a given unique key of a
> SQL table. This class would emit range queries based on a primary index
> given.
> Presently this operator has been tested with MySQL.
> In the later iterations we intend to support in-clause support to enable
> exactly once semantics for non-ordered key column(s).
> Here's a link to the PR,
> Thanks,
> Dev



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