Generally a good idea. Care should be taken around fault tolerance and
idempotency. Close stream would need to stop accepting new data but still
can't actually close all the streams and un-deploy operators till
committed. Idempotency might require the close stream to take effect at the
end of the window. What would it then mean for re-opening streams within a
window? Also, looks like a larger undertaking, as Ram suggested would be
good to understand the use cases and I also suggest that multiple folks
participate in the implementation effort to ensure that we are able to
address all the scenarios and minimize chances of regression in existing


On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 8:12 AM, Vlad Rozov <> wrote:

> All,
> Currently Apex assumes that an operator can emit on any defined output
> port and all streams defined by a DAG are active. I'd like to propose an
> ability for an operator to open and close output ports. By default all
> ports defined by an operator will be open. In the case an operator for any
> reason decides that it will not emit tuples on the output port, it may
> close it. This will make the stream inactive and the application master may
> undeploy the downstream (for that input stream) operators. If this leads to
> containers that don't have any active operators, those containers may be
> undeployed as well leading to better cluster resource utilization and
> better Apex elasticity. Later, the operator may be in a state where it
> needs to emit tuples on the closed port. In this case, it needs to re-open
> the port and wait till the stream becomes active again before emitting
> tuples on that port. Making inactive stream active again, requires the
> application master to re-allocate containers and re-deploy the downstream
> operators.
> It should be also possible for an application designer to mark streams as
> inactive when an application starts. This will allow the application master
> avoid reserving all containers when the application starts. Later, the port
> can be open and inactive stream become active.
> Thank you,
> Vlad

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