+1 Apex engine does not own log4j config file - it is provided either by Hadoop or an application. Hadoop log4j config does not necessarily meet application logging requirements, but if log4j is provided by an application designer, who can only specify what to log, it may not meet operations requirements. Dev-ops should have an ability to specify where to log depending on the available infrastructure at run-time.

It will be good to have an ability not only specify extra log4j appenders at lunch time, but also at run-time, the same way how log4j logger levels may be changed.

Thank you,

On 4/9/17 23:14, Priyanka Gugale wrote:
We can always write a custom appender and add it by changing root appender
in log4j config file. Can you explain how adding appender grammatically
would help?


On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 11:50 AM, Sanjay Pujare <san...@datatorrent.com>

Please give some examples and/or use cases of this programmatic log4j

On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 8:40 PM, Sergey Golovko <ser...@datatorrent.com>

Hi All,

I'd like to add supporting of a custom defined log4j appender that can be
added to Apex Application Master and Containers and be configurable

Sometimes it is not trivial to control log4j configuration via log4j
properties. And I think the having of the approach to add a log4j
programmatically will allow the customers and developers to plugin their
own custom defined log4j appenders and be much flexible for streaming and
collection of Apex log events.

I assume to provide generic approach for definition of the programmatic
log4j appender and to pass all configuration parameters including a name
the Java class with implementation of the log4j appender via system
command line properties.


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