On 4/29/17 15:51, Justin Mclean wrote:

Does anybody know if:
1. Any other Apache project has a similar forced-revert policy; and
None that I’m aware of. But if a committer checks in some code the breaks 
something and someone vetoes it, it is expected that they revert the checkin 
and fix it. I’ve seen this happen a few times, but mostly there a discussion 
and the issues fixed by additional checkins. This is usually quite rate.

2. Any Apache project has actually force-reverted a commit for any reason
in recent years, regardless of whether they have a policy about it or not.
Yes I’ve seen it use to fix up merge issue with long lived branches. But again 
very rare.
Master is the long lived branch and I do not expect that we will need to use force push frequently especially after this discussion.


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