Maxime Thieu wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a little problem:
> I have a document 'B' which countains a macro
> I want to open document 'B'  form another document with a macro (with 
> the function LoadComponentURL).
> It works fine (the doc is opened), but the macro in document 'B' is 
> disabled... (and I am not asked for enabling macro when the doc 'B' is 
> automatically opened...)
> Is it a bug ?

No, it's perhaps a missing documentation. Per default macro execution is
disabled when you load a document via loadComponentFromURL(). The main
reason is that when you execute scripts you usually don't want to have
dialogs popping up that interupt your script. Macros very often are used
to open a dialog when the document is loaded, so macro execution should
be disabled except if it is explicitly asked for.

You can ask for it by adding two parameters to the sequence of arguments
you add to the loadComponentFromURL call, MacroExecutionMode and

The former can take values described in the constant set, the latter one can take values from
the constant set

As an example, MacroExecutionMode=2(ALWAYS_EXECUTE) and
UpdateDocMode=3(FULL_UPDATE) will allow to execute every macro without

Please note that UpdateDocMode also allows for other updates that might
happen on loading (updating of links, styles from templates etc.).


Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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