> two short remarks on 
> <http://codesnippets.services.openoffice.org/snippet.dtd>. 
>     * ATTLIST for ELEMENT "snippet":
>           o Starting with OOo 2.0 there are two officially supported
>             scripting languages missing from the valid values for the
>             "language" attribute: "BeanShell" and "JavaScript". Due to
>             the availablity of the scripting framework additional
>             scripting languages are possible, like "ooRexx" (in beta).
>             Also, "XSL" is now listed as a language on the snippet site
>             and would be missing from this DTD.
>             As additional scripting languages can be made available for
>             which nutshell examples could be supplied, the values for
>             the "language" attribute should be maintained accordingly.
>             To be able to supply snippets until the language attribute
>             is updated a value of "Other" may be helpful together with
>             maybe a new CDATA attribute "otherLanguage" (or the like) to
>             allow naming the new/unsupported language.

1. Yes you are right, that I forgot to add the XSL-Language to the Snippet-
   DTD when I added XSL-Support to snippet page

2. Not long time we discussed ago about adding new languages and came
   from my point-of-view to the following conclusion:
   a. At the moment we concentrate on the most used languages
   b. We change the snippet-page design from a programming view
      to a problem centric view
   c. We want to port every snippet to every language
   d. We discuss adding new languages

3. Adding new languages
   Only adding them to the snippet-DTD is not enough we also have to
   provide Syntax-Highlighting for those languages which means creating
   VIM-Highlight-File which knows how to highlihgt syntax

>     * ATTLIST for ELEMENT "operating-systems"
>           o Same reasoning as with "snippet": there are operating
>             systems with OOo ported to them that are unlisted, e.g.
>             "OS/2" and "eComStation", possibly "AIX" and the like. Hence
>             the attribute "name" should allow for "Other" and possibly
>             add a new CDATA attribute "other-operating-system" to be
>             able to denote the operating system.
>             [BTW, shouldn't the ATTLIST denote "operating-systems" (with
>             a trailing "s" to match the element's name for which the
>             attributre list gets defined)?]

I'll take a look and add them


> Regards,
> ---rony

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