Hi.  I'm a newbie API user, and I'm trying to create an Impress document
from Java and add a bulleted outline to a single slide.  I can create a
page, but I'm sadly stuck after that.

I tried creating an Impress document in the UI that contained an
outline, and then I used Java to iterate over the shapes found in the
slide.  I found an OutlinerShape, and I can get its text, but that
contains no formatting information, so I don't see how to properly set
indentation level and such for each line in the outline.  I also see
that OutlinerShape also has the XEnumerationAccess interface, so I got
that interface and created an enumeration from it.  The resulting
elements are XTextContents, but I still can't seem to do much with them.
How can I get access to individual elements in the outline?

I also can't seem to be able to create an OutlinerShape on a slide.  I
tried Object o =
xfact.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.OutlinerShape"); but a
ServiceNotRegisteredException was thrown.  (Creating a RectangleShape in
this manner works fine, however.)

Can someone please give me some hints on how to create such an outline
and populate it with a couple items of varying indentation levels?


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