Hi Stephan,

>> due to your help my project is close to be finished.
>> I have one last question: how can I minimize my whole OpenOffice window
>> to the taskbar of my OS?
>> I did not find a thing for this, only how to terminate my OO.
> as far as I know there is no UNO-API for this purpose, but you could try
> your luck with system dependend calls ... on Windows something like the
> following should do what your want

OK, I'll look for the system things.

> Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32" _
>     (ByVal lHwnd As Long, _
>     ByVal lCmdShow As Long) As Boolean
> sub MinWindow
>     dim frame
>     dim window
>     dim handle
>     frame  = StarDesktop.getActiveFrame()
>     window = frame.getContainerWindow()
>     handle = window.getWindowHandle(dimarray(), 1) ' 1=WIN32
>     ShowWindow( handle, 2 )
> end sub

I forgot: I work with Java... But thanks anyway.

Greetings, Tobias

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