Kent Gibson wrote:
Has anyone had any success using the "New" pdf
properties programmatically?
I can't find much documenation, so I tried to use
XStore and pass in the properies, but they seem to be

I am using 2.0.3+ (build OOD680_m1)

Here is basically what I am doing:

XStorable xStore = ( XStorable )
UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XStorable.class, document
xStore.storeToURL( normaliseFileURL(
file.getAbsolutePath() ), properties );

####### Properties ########
pdfProperty[ 0 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 0 ].Name = "FilterName"; pdfProperty[ 0 ].Value = "writer_pdf_Export";
pdfProperty[ 1 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 1 ].Name = "Overwrite"; pdfProperty[ 1 ].Value = new Boolean( overwrite );

pdfProperty[ 2 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 2 ].Name = "FirstPageOnLeft"; pdfProperty[ 2 ].Value = Boolean.TRUE;

pdfProperty[ 3 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 3 ].Name = "UseTaggedPDF"; pdfProperty[ 3 ].Value = new Integer(3);

Filter specific properties are to be placed
within a property sequence called "FilterData".
Your code should look as follow:

final PropertyValue aFilterData[] = new ProperyValue[2];
aFilterData[ 0 ] = new PropertyValue();
aFilterData[ 0 ].Name = "FirstPageOnLeft";
aFilterData[ 0 ].Value = Boolean.TRUE;
aFilterData[ 1 ] = new PropertyValue();
aFilterData[ 1 ].Name = "UseTaggedPDF";
aFilterData[ 1 ].Value = new Integer(3);

pdfProperty[ 0 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 0 ].Name = "FilterName";
pdfProperty[ 0 ].Value = "writer_pdf_Export";

pdfProperty[ 1 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 1 ].Name = "Overwrite";
pdfProperty[ 1 ].Value = new Boolean( overwrite );

pdfProperty[ 2 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 2 ].Name = "FilterData";
pdfProperty[ 2 ].Value = aFilterData;

Best regards,

any help would be grand.

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